The Top 10 Signs You Didn’t Get the Job After Interview

The interview process can be stressful, but it doesn’t have to be. You’ve already invested the time into researching the company and learning what you could about their culture. Plus, you’ve practiced interviewing in front of a mirror so many times by now that you could do it in your sleep. But when you get there for your final interview, something feels wrong. Your gut tells you that this meeting wasn’t going to go well due to one or more of these 10 reasons. If your intuition is correct, here are some ways to bounce back from rejection with grace and dignity.

The Main Signs You Didn’t Get The Job

  • You get to the interview, and the person who interviewed you doesn’t remember anything about you.
  • They keep repeating themselves and not letting you speak.
  • When they ask what your salary expectations are, they don’t seem interested in what you say.
  • If they offer a job, it isn’t the one you want.
  • You’re told that there’s no more time for interviews and they’re just going to hire the first person who walks through the door next.
  • You’ve been given an offer, but it’s lower than what you expected.
  • You sense that this is a “meh” job where any other candidate would do just as well as you would.

What To Do If Your Intuition Was Right

If your intuition is telling you that a company isn’t going to hire you, here are a few steps to take.

  • Remember that not all interviews go well. That doesn’t mean there’s something wrong with you; it just means the job wasn’t for you.
  • You can still thank the interviewer for their time and share any additional information they may need, like an updated resume or portfolio materials.
  • If you’re feeling discouraged, remind yourself of all of your successes and accomplishments in the interview process so far. Keep reminding yourself how good you really are!
  • Finally, make sure to maintain a positive and professional demeanor when exiting the building and waiting outside in case anyone wants to speak with you about why things didn’t work out.

How To Respond To Rejection With Grace

The interview process is an emotional roller coaster. You feel excited when you get called in for an interview, then nervous, then optimistic when you think about the possibility of getting the job, and finally disappointed when you’re rejected.

But no matter how hard it might be to bounce back from rejection, there are ways to do so with dignity if your gut (or intuition) tells you that this was not going to go well.

After all, you must leave the meeting knowing that you’ve done everything possible to land the job. Remember these tips if your final interview seems like a lost cause:

1. Take some time before responding. Before anything else, take a few minutes to collect yourself and then reply as kindly as possible.

2. Thank them for their time and then ask for feedback on what they thought about your presentation and qualifications. This will give them a chance, to be honest with you about what they saw as potential roadblocks in the hiring process and help you identify any flaws or weaknesses in your application or pitch. You may even learn some valuable information about how to improve yourself and make yourself more attractive as an applicant if there were things that seemed off during the interview process for this particular position.


Sometimes the interview process can be tough. You show up to the interview feeling confident, but after speaking with the interviewer for a few minutes, you suddenly find yourself wondering whether or not you’re a good fit for the company at all. If you’re unsure, here are some signs that the interviewer is giving you that might help you figure out your next steps:

1. Your interviewer doesn’t ask follow-up questions

2. Your interviewer only talks about the company and job responsibilities

3. Your interviewer only talks about himself or herself

4. Your interviewer doesn’t ask about your availability or notice your availability.

5. Your interviewer doesn’t ask about your experience

6. Your interviewer only asks behavioural questions

7. Your interviewer doesn’t give you enough time to answer questions.

8. Your interviewer doesn’t make eye contact with you

9. Your interviewer only asks questions that could be answered with yes or no.

10. The interviewer doesn’t seem to take notes

By Admin